Chicken Biryani Recipe
Most chicken biryani recipe in Pakistan, biryani is one of them. Pakistan people love this recipe and like to eat. I help you to make professional chicken biryani recipe in home. I guide to everyone with the help of picture and complete description, integrated that used in it like tomato, perfect rick cook, rick-cook in low flam, and perfect amount of masala. Anyone that make this recipe to make spicy and juice that fell in every bit.
Believe me this biryani recipe is best because almost 19 years to watch, eat and make biryani .If you follow this complete recipe process. Life is short ,I’m saying “Eat Food And Life Live”.
People Most Like Chicken Biryani Recipe Tips:
- People like to eat complete cooked rice and chicken.
- People want to perfect add masala in biryani and fell taste in every bit.
- Some of them add chicken and some of them add mutton.
- Oil add according to the amount of rice and chicken. But more oil create crisp and silly.
- Most important, which type of rice do you use. Because rice quality depend on biryani quality.
Let Make Chicken Biryani Recipe
Basics Requirement:
7-Masla (1-Black pepper 2-Salt 3-Cloves 4-Haldi etc)
8-Different pastes like (1-Green Chill 2-Ginger Gallic)
Need one bowl and put all ingredients into bowl and mix it. Its mean first mix yogurt, chicken and masala. Wait still masala attach and chicken change color.
Move to next step. After chicken marinate and put in to cooker and add oil. Oil depend on Chicken quantity .1-2 cup oil used in one kg chicken. Then add masala like salt, zera, halide, etc.Not provide many fly because chicken burn more and not get tast.15 to 30 mint cook chicken and wait still chicken change color.
First add oil and onin in cookier and mix still change the color of onine (its means white onine convert to brown onine ).Then make tomato paste and add in to cookier. Tomato paste must complete grind and fresh tomato used. Tomato change color of chicken and also change taste. Without tomato not give a tasty biryani.After add tomato then add chicken and other ingredients.After add and cook around 10 mint and mix everything with the help of shapoun.
Rice put into water under 20 mint. Because rice absorb water and swell .Its important part because rick is expand and cooking time reduce. Rick are different types its means different time need to below rice on water. After 20 mint remove water form rice and new water add on cooker .Rice put down on cooker and also add salt and zera etc. Around 10 mint cook rick on water (not completed cook around 70 to 75%).
Completed this process, add Rice and chicken on cooker and wait around 10 mint on very low heat. The main reason is that to cook complete rice and get flavor by chicken. Stay wait and cut some salad and make raita.
Add zrada color in water, mix it and put on the surface on the rice. That create color like yellow type like look very good. According to my teacher, not used because its cancer on body and not leave form kidney and harmful for over kidney.
Enjoy biryani with family, neighbors, friend and other moments.Chicken Biryani Recipe most used in every moment in own life. Best wishes for everyone.
Conclusion For Chicken Biryani Recipe:
While making biryani at home takes some effort, with this easy to follow recipe, you’ll end up with a dish that is tasty, aromatic, and suitable for all celebrations. If you have family together, a festive celebration, or just a craving for comfort food, its the dish that brings people together – it’s biryani. That means: gather your ingredients, follow these steps and have a satisfying culinary marvel! Happy cooking!
Its amazing